Practice is the only important formula for success in SBI CLERK Exam. It makes your exam preparation thorough and effective. One can follow the instructions given by SBI CLERK Coaching in Dehradun if they have joined so or else they can follow the ultimate formula based on the survey conducted on the successful candidates.


  1. Practice mock tests regularly to attain time management and accuracy. Join any SBI CLERK Exam test series to give you the latest exam pattern practice with time set.
  2. In case time is not set then set up a Timer or Stopwatch to keep a watch on your time taken to complete the test.
  3. Do not waste more than one minute time on any question.
  4. Analyze your strong and weak topics and consequently fix time for each topic.
  5. Master each subject by giving specific time to the relevant section to give justice to all the sections equally.
  6. Check your performance on each mock test attempted and improve instantaneously with the help of the subject expert.
  7. Besides taking mock tests, opt for topic test also to help you analyze the types of question which can be asked. It will give you confidence and you will attain accuracy.
  8. In the last week of your preparation take only mock tests. Do not touch any fresh topic or topic you are not comfortable with. To keep your morale up, stick to the topics you have learned and understood effectively.
  9. Never lose hope while practicing rather overcome the shortcomings you are experiencing in the tests taken so far.
  10. Avoid social networking rather substitute it with a healthy regime of taking a leisure walk for 30 minute in the evening to fresh your mind.
  11. Eat healthy and sleep well to be able to be free from any EXAMINATION FEVER which usually takes the tool and you lose health.
Maintain the decorum of your exam preparation regime and stick to it religiously to grab the prestigious career for your lifetime.
Put your best foot forward and get ready for the wonderful surprises in your future.

Author - This content is published from IBT Dehradun - Best Coaching Institute for SSC & Bank.

All the best!!!


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